Back to Exploring

Posted by: | on April 21, 2014

With some more time now, I’m looking forward to re-gathering various things as I’m running quite low in, well, nearly everything. I think I may try and do a run through of every episode or something to gather supplies back up. Not looking forward to many of them though :/ First, however, the favors for today:
-Huey wanted me to solve his riddle
-Louie needed me to help solve Dewey’s riddle
-Resident wanted 3 Ruby Bubbles
-Resident wanted 3 Soap Bubbles
-Resident wanted 15 Big Logs

Then I made sure to greet the new SpotPass visitors:

And also went to restock the Cafe:

I decided to hold a random Cinderella party–my boyfriend gave me a Milkyway Mushroom to make a drink. I need to get more of those. Unfortunately, I was unlucky and Prince Charming showed up 🙁 So no luck on the Cinderella charm…

It was then officially time for questing! I decided to start in Aladdin’s world first…

I finished the first 5 before I needed to stop for a bit. I managed to get a nice amount of early stuff–not tons, but about 7 isn’t terrible.

I then made more furniture and relaxed a bit outside the cafe.

After doing some Cafe Requests to prepare for another party, it hit 5PM!

Thus, evening favor time:
-Resident wanted Rubber Leaves
-Dewey had me solve his riddle again
-Louie needed help with Dewey’s riddle again
-Resident wanted Oasis Dogbane
-Resident wanted 2 Polka Dot Tulips…and ironically, she was standing right across where they spawn. You can even see them to the right of her:

On a different note, I really love the scenery in this game:

I then went to go trade cards at the castle. New ones I managed to get:
-Lion King 04
So not much luck today, but still yay for one new!

Taking a break now, but may try and do more episodes later…

Note: I received the game early from Nintendo. Thank you, Nintendo! 😀

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